NHSOA Softball Home Plate Newsletter
Jim Bewley – NHSOA Softball Chair [email protected] Matthew Titkemeier - NHSOA Assistant Softball Chair Hello All and Welcome to the High School Softball Season: It is an exciting time in high school sports as the Nebraska High School Officials Association (NHSOA) has partnered with the NSAA to assist you in bettering your umpiring. Please visit the NHSOA website at nhsoahome.org and read on the front page under Officials what the NHSOA is all about or log into you NSAA Page, click on the Downloads Tab and read the document, labeled NHSOA Introduction Letter. NHSOA Softball Committee members are: District II – Jim Bewley – LaVista District III – Domenic Consoli – Wayne District IV – Jane Kirby – Johnson Lake District V – Mike Gonzales – McCook The NHSOA Softball Umpires Clinics were held in conjunction with the University of Nebraska High School Softball Team Camps in July. The purpose of the clinics was to train umpires in 3-umpire mechanics. The one day clinics consisted of classroom instruction followed by actual contest observation and instruction. There were five clinics with a total of 32 members present. The NHSOA Softball Committee will be brainstorming in the near future to create a softball policy manual. This manual will be all encompassing for important NSAA softball umpiring and committee operations. We will be putting together a pregame responsibilities document as well as a checklist for all umpires but geared more to the 1st year umpire. DP/FLEX EDUCATION It is believed that many coaches and umpires still may not completely understand the DP/FLEX rule (3-3-6) since it was passed in 2004. The committee felt a “refresher” would be appropriate to more fully understand and utilize all the options available with the rule. The DP/FLEX rule was originally adopted because it provides more participation opportunities for student-athletes and more flexibility to coaches. Umpires the following are helpful hints in properly maintaining your lineup card: 1. A team may use the DP/FLEX option provided it is made known at the pregame conference. 2. The DP’s name is indicated on the lineup as one of the nine hitters in the batting order. 3. The name of the player for whom the DP is batting (FLEX) is placed in the 10th position in the lineup. 4. The DP may be substituted for at any time by a legal substitute or the FLEX may play offense for the DP. In either case, the DP has left the game. 5. The DP may play defense at any position. 6. The FLEX may be substituted for at any time by a legal substitute or the DP may play defense for the FLEX. In either case, the FLEX has left the game. 7. Placing the FLEX into one of the first nine positions for someone other than the DP’s position is considered an illegal substitution. 8. A team may go from 10 to nine players and back to 10 any number of times during the game; the game may also end with 10 or nine players. 9. The DP and FLEX may never be on offense at the same time; however, they may play defense at the same time. BENCH PERSONNEL CONDUCT (HOME RUN CELEBRATION) By rule, team personnel are not allowed outside of the dugout/bench or designated warm-up area during live ball action. However, during the dead ball period of a home run it is appropriate for team personnel to congratulate a team member when she accomplishes such a feat. It is also a teachable moment to encourage camaraderie and greater participation of teammates. GOOD SPORTING BEHAVIOR Umpires and coaches need to work together. Each contest is another opportunity for coaches and umpires to teach not only softball, but also model appropriate behavior as well. The positive values that are learned will serve the players long after their softball experience has concluded. Game situations typically provide a coach the opportunity to identify a teachable moment to reinforce good sporting behavior. Approved NSAA Uniform: Officials have an obligation to the profession to dress appropriately. The first impression of an official’s uniform should be impeccable. The uniform shall be clean, free of wrinkles, not faded, torn or have holes and fit properly. Powder blue pullover polo (collar and sleeve trim shall be navy and white) – NO navy polo. Powder blue long sleeve pullover polo (collar trim shall be navy and white) is acceptable. Heather gray slacks – NO dark gray. Jackets shall be all navy blue OR navy blue with the shoulder inset being powder blue and white. A navy blue turtleneck may be substituted for a shirt when wearing jacket. Hat is to be navy blue and a sized hat is recommended. Ball bag shall be either navy blue OR heather gray. Patches – NSAA patch is worn on the shirt where a pocket is or would be and the NHSOA patch is to be worn on the left sleeve (of both the short and long sleeve shirt). |